BOOK A Sweat with Logan IN OUR Calgary STUDIO


Logan Parker

Logan, the polite and soft-spoken trainer at Rumble, brings a unique blend of strength and grace to every session. Their passion for kick-ass workouts is matched by their gentle demeanor, creating an environment where clients can push their limits and achieve their goals.

Living by the quote, "It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a Gardner in a war," Logan believes in embracing challenges and striving for excellence in all aspects of life.With a simple yet powerful life philosophy of giving their best in everything they do, Logan sees every task, from sweeping the floor to performing heart surgery, as an opportunity to reflect their spirit through their efforts. Every day, Logan fights to be a little bit of light in a dimly lit world, spreading positivity and inspiration to those around them and igniting a spark of motivation in others.

Their music style ranges from country to 90s rap, creating an energizing atmosphere that keeps the workouts pumping.If you're seeking a trainer who embodies both strength and kindness, look no further than Logan. Their dedication to helping others achieve their best selves, combined with their passion for delivering killer workouts, is sure to leave a lasting impact. Get ready to rumble with Logan, the ass-kicking sensation you won't forget.