Meet A Member | Tara
RMBL community
At Rumble, we know it’s our members who truly make the magic happen. That’s why we want you to meet them, get to know some faces of the bad ass at the Heavy Bag next to you, or in the Personal Training session on the other side of the weight rack!
This week, meet Tara who gets her sweat on in Yaletown and Mount Pleasant!
What do you love about RMBL?
I love the dark room, the motivating music, the passionate instructors and the bad ass therapy. No matter how I feel walking into class, I always leave feeling proud of myself for showing up. There have been times when a particular song might come on and I get caught up in the moment and tears start streaming down my face but I know that everything will be okay when I am in the studio.
How long have you been a RMBL member?
I started around October 2021 and then paused due to studios closing during the pandemic.
Why did you decide to try us out?
My friend Dionne started teaching and told me that I would love the vibe. I was addicted to spin for a couple of years so I was initially reluctant to try. The ads started popping up on my Instagram so I figured since the first class was free, I had nothing to lose. I’m so thankful that I took my first class because I can’t imagine my life without Rumble.
Heavy Bag? Personal Training or both?
Heavy bag for sure. Haven’t tried Personal Training yet but I like to take my time before trying out something new. Never say never though.
What do you love about RMBL?
I love the dark room, the motivating music, the passionate instructors and the bad ass therapy. No matter how I feel walking into class, I always leave feeling proud of myself for showing up. There have been times when a particular song might come on and I get caught up in the moment and tears start streaming down my face but I know that everything will be okay when I am in the studio.
“The workout is so much fun and challenging, depending on how much you want to put into it.”
The team is very welcoming and I truly feel a sense of belonging. What I love most about Rumble is the people that make up the diverse and magnetic community. I am thankful for the managers and staff at the front desk, the motivators in the studio and the people I’ve met who are either just starting or are very seasoned in their Rumble journey. Special shout out to Kenny, Vince, Amy, Ryan and Dionne from Vancouver for all of their support and connection inside and outside of the studio.
What has RMBL taught you about yourself?
I was intimidated to try Rumble because I did not have any boxing experience at all. However, I went in with an open mind and tried to be gentle with myself. The first class I felt all out of sorts and was thinking ‘what did I sign up for?’ but by the end of class, I knew I was going to try again.
Progress over perfection.
Faith over fear.
I learned that you never know what you’re missing out on unless you try. By getting out of my comfort zone, I discovered that I am emotionally, mentally and physically stronger than I thought I was which has been one of my greatest lessons since Rumble and overall in life.
What are some goals of your goals outside of the gym?
Self-love and healing has been a major focus this year. The past few years have been challenging to say the least, as I am sure it has been for many people. I have prioritized taking time for myself so that I can feel more connected to my heart and soul. Being present, mindful and honouring my feelings is definitely a part of my journey.
I’ve struggled and I’ve experienced pain but I try to practice gratitude and appreciation for what I have. Authenticity has also been important. I have found that being vulnerable with those who matter builds connection; sometimes when you heal yourself, you inadvertently heal others around you and I think there is so much beauty in healing together.
If you have one, what a unique story about RMBL you would like to share?
My friend Sab and I are unofficial Rumble Ambassadors as we both come from a sales background and love to tell people about things that we believe in. We are competitive in nature so we loved getting points through the Rumble Fightclub Loyalty Program for referrals. We have brought in many first timers, sold Heavy Bag and Personal Training sessions and even sold gift certificates. We often get asked if we work for Rumble due to our passionate recommendations and although we don’t work for Rumble, we definitely feel like we are a part of the team.