Rumble Stands Against Bullying
Type in “Bullying in Canada” on any search engine and you’ll see the staggering figures:
Canada has the 9th highest rate of bullying on a scale of 35 counties around the world
47% of Canadian parents report having child who’s been victimized by abuse
And this goes beyond just students and children. 40% (or nearly half) of Canadians are bullied in the workplace every week.
Statistics like these are why Rumble Boxing Studios always promises and delivers an inclusive environment where you can come as you are, never to be judged and to be held up by our entire Team of staff and clients.
Rumble pledges to bring deeper awareness to the personal toll of bullying, and to continue to educate ourselves, and our clients, on how to protect one another’s mental health. Rumble Boxing does not tolerate any sort of bullying within our organization. Bullying and harassment is absolutely unacceptable will not be tolerated; every Team member must be treated with respect. These values are within the core of who we are as an organization and we pass these core values onto you each time you step into our studio or onto one of our digital platforms.
Every year we ask you to be engaged with Anti-Bullying month, with our 30-Day Challenge. Not only does getting into the studio with like-minded peers help release some of our own mental aggressions, but we also raise money for two extraordinary charities who do incredible work to support Anti-Bullying Initiatives.
Based out of Alberta, Dare to Care is unique program regarded as Canada’s most comprehensive and practical bully prevention program. Dare to Care enables schools, sports organizations, community groups and workplaces to mobilize and maintain a caring community.
Meanwhile in BC, the CKNW Kid’s Fund, works tirelessly to spread awareness and to create opportunity for valuable conversations about the impacts of bullying behavior and the importance of lifting each other up. A message of hope, acceptance and empathy. is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Many of our own Teammates report being bullied as a child or adult. For many of us, that’s what brought us to boxing – to work through the feelings of frustration and aggression; to discover the things in life that are worth fighting for.
Show your support against bullying this month and every month in the Rumble Boxing Studios, by supporting those around you, or by making a donation to one of the impactful charities in your own city.
If you, or someone you know needs someone to talk to, please find the appropriate services within your region. Including the Kid’s Help Phone, The Canadian Red Cross, Suicide Prevention or Bullying Canada.