Stay Motivated!
Tips on How to Stay Motivated from a Pro!
So by this point in the year we’ve seen the stats about sticking with your New Years fitness resolutions... 43% of all people expect to fail before February, with most people quitting before the end of January. BUT there are 9% of people who see their resolutions through with success!
We know you want to be a part of that 9%.
We want you to hit your goals and feel incredibly bad ass & strong through this year and the rest of your life.
But staying motivated can be hard. That’s where our Founding Trainer and VP of Training & Development, Kealan Bailey comes in. This former competitive equestrian rider and Muay Thai fighter is no stranger to the mental and physical challenges of sticking with it. Here, she shares her top six tips for staying motivated now and throughout the year:
Don’t overcommit!
Sometimes we set these massive changes as resolutions or make too many commitments. Pick one or two things (make small changes) and stay consistent with those.
Hire a trainer
Even better than a buddy, a trainer will push you, hold you accountable, cheer you on, help you notice when you’ve been successful, AND help you from overcommitting.
Find a buddy
Doing it with someone will make it so much easier to stay motivated! Do it for a little bit of healthy competition, or by not wanting to let your buddy down, or just having a cheerleader in your corner.
Don’t give up if you slip
Nobody’s perfect. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t go off the deep end, don’t punish yourself. NOTHING kills motivation like feeling bad about yourself. Move on from the slip up and let it go. Get right back to your good habits and focus on what’s ahead.
Measure your progress
It doesn’t have to be weight loss or calories! Maybe it’s how many classes you can do in a week. Or how many miles you can run. Measure it and compare back to what you used to do!
Stay motivated!
Sometimes exercising in person isn’t a viable option – whether it be scheduling, a super busy work day, or family responsibilities - or perhaps you got used to at-home workouts over the past few years! That’s where Rumble’s Boxer Body Virtual Workouts come in handy. We offer virtual shadowboxing classes at home or on-the-go, and they vary in length between 10 to 45 minutes. Make it easy on yourself to stay motivated to hit those goals!