Boxing Your Way To Better Mental Health
**Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
While nothing replaces professional advice from a doctor, we do want to share the ways Rumble Boxing can assist in your mental health journey.
We all know the physical benefits of taking a heavy bag class, or working out with a Personal Trainer: improved cardiovascular fitness, balance, endurance, strength, and hand-eye coordination. But did you know that psychologically, it fosters confidence, peer support, resilience, self-awareness, and stress relief?
With each punch on the heavy bag, you’ll feel more powerful, more skillful and you’ll develop a sense of confidence that will provide significant benefits for your mind. The more you come to class and the more time you spend with your trainer, you’ll improve your skills – which brings a natural feeling of confidence, that you will ultimately end up taking into your day-to-day life. That total body feeling of badassery will inevitably boost your self-confidence in and out of the studio.
Ya, we get – you don’t think of “mental calmness” and “boxing” in the same thought. BUT, really think about it now... when you’re with your trainer or on a heavy bag, you know how mindful you have to be focusing on the task at hand. That 20 minute mark into class when all your brain is thinking is “One, two, four, six. Three, four, three, four.” – your mind doesn’t have time to wander, it’s too focused on the task at hand. You’re being intentional with your movements and your body, it’s a moving meditation requiring you to be present in the moment. When you’re on the bag, there is no thought of work, your relationships or anything else you might have had on your mind before you walked into the studio. Boxing is very meditative due to the high level of focus it requires.
Some studies suggest that meditation and mindfulness help to protect your mental health. Some studies even showed these two things could help to improve structures in the brain.
50 minutes on the heavy bag inevitably forces you to forget about the pressures your daily life and let’s you focus on yourself for once, but it will also provide the outlet in letting out your frustrations – by the end of class you know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You will be empowered.