Stay in Fighting Shape this Holiday Season!



The holiday season is here – which means shopping, catching up with friends, family dinners, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, company parties... the list of commitments goes on and on. We get it, something’s gotta give, and we know ‘exercise’ can be an easy one - but we all know that physical activity makes us feel better and reduces stress.

So how can you keep up your fitness game when you’ve got so much on the go? 

Instead of stopping completely, you may be able to keep up your exercise routine after all!

Exercise in the morning or over your lunch break and you’re more likely to do it!

You’ve got a lot going on in the evenings, so why not set your alarm a half an hour earlier and check out an early class, or make a sunrise session with your Personal Trainer.  This way, even if something comes up during the day that you need to tend to in the evening, you’ll still be feeling rock solid because you got your sweat in.

Our Rumble Express classes over the lunch hour are 45 minutes, which means you can get into the studio, get your heart rate up, and be back at your desk before the holiday emails start piling up through the afternoon.

Schedule exercise and put it on your calendar

When you see your Mom’s birthday on the calendar, you don’t ignore it, right (okay well maybe some of us do, but you catch our drift)?    Same goes for exercise. Check out the Rumble app on Sunday and pick what classes you want to attend, and drop them in your scheduler. Making your health a top priority over the festive season is a gift to yourself. 

Gotta’ pick up the kids or grab some last minute groceries? Ask your family or friends for support;  that time in your calendar is yours and yours alone.  Besides everyone’s feeling giving at this time of year and our guess is they’d be happy to help you out so you can decompress and keep your mind right.

You don’t need to overdo it!

You did the 30 day challenge, you like to move your body every single day – but let’s be serious, you DO have other commitments at this time of year.  So just cut down for a bit - studies have shown that you can prevent declines in cardiovascular fitness for up to three weeks simply by doing higher intensity exercise (70-75 percent of maximum heart rate) for as little as two days per week.

Make Plans With a Buddy

Another way to stay consistent is to train with a friend.  You can sweat it out in a heavy bag class, and then grab a coffee (or cocktail - it is the holidays after all) post-class.  You can get your sweat in and do a holiday catch-up at one time.  Plus classes are even more fun with your bestie beside you.  Plus, they will keep you accountable and can even up the intensity of your workout.

One study found that exercising with a partner resulted in improved performance and time spent, doubling the amount of movement of those who exercised alone.

Give Yourself a Break

One last thing to keep in mind: If you’ve just got too much going on this holiday season, it’s not a big deal to take a little extra time off from your exercise routine. Press pause and come back the next day.  Don't worry. You'll get back to your current fitness level easily your schedule returns to normal.  After all, recovery and caring for your mental health plays an important role in your training too – if Santa can take 364 days off a year, you can easily rest for 3 or 4.

Gabriele Kuz