Meet a Member | Caitlin
Punch it out!
You can find this month’s Member, Caitlin, sweating it out in Calgary on the Heavy Bag or with her Personal Trainer. She’s lost 45 pounds with the help of Rumble and we LOVE her kickass energy and style.
How long have you been a RMBL member?
About 3.5 years. I attended my first heavy bag class in June 2019 and started PT with Kris a few days later. I've been hooked ever since.
Why did you decide to try us out?
I live nearby and had driven by the studio several times, always thinking I'd like to try it out. I was very out of shape at the time and was tired of feeling tired and living a sedentary lifestyle. I felt a heaviness both physically and mentally that I needed to break out of. I had joined gyms previously and went for a few weeks and then stopped going while still continuing to pay the membership fees. I wanted a fun class at a set time that I could register for and commit to.
Heavy Bag? Personal Training or both?
All of it! Heavy bag, bootcamps and PT. I've had several trainers over the years (Kris, Vanessa, Janna, Cody, Olson) and they've all been excellent.
What has RMBL taught you about yourself?
RMBL has taught me that I am strong and that if I put in the work and stay consistent, I'll see the results. Fitness has become a part of my life and absolutely essential to my physical and mental health.
What do you love about RMBL?
Where do I start? RMBL has created such a welcoming environment. I felt comfortable from the moment I walked in the door, never intimidated. I've heard this said many times before (because it's true) but RMBL is the best kind of therapy. If you've had a stressful day, there's no better place to work it out than in that dark room with loud music and a heavy bag. RMBL has created a wonderful community and I always look forward to my time there.
What are some goals for you outside of the gym?
I want to continue with the healthy lifestyle I've built, maybe try to cook more, and make it to my daily protein goal of 145g! I want to spend more time outside, more time reading, and more time with friends and family. I'm happy in my career, but there's always more to learn and room for growth.
What is a unique story about RMBL you would like to share?
About a year ago, in January 2022, Janna started our session with some tough love. She said "I can't train you for another year and not see any results." Together we came up with four health focused goals and as an incentive to stick with it. To say that day completely changed my life is an understatement. Physically and mentally I'm a different person than I was a year ago. Not only did I lose 45 pounds, I also lost the weight of low self-esteem and anxiety. I have more confidence, strength and energy. I am so happy and I will be forever grateful to Janna for giving me the push and the tools to help me change my life.