A.K.A “Badass Ballerina”
Music Style: “What you listen to as you’re putting on your best outfit to go to the party!”
what do you fight for every day?
She fights every day for health, for the celebration of every achievement, and for that royal status
what to expect in 50 minutes with jana:
Through high energy pop hits, her animation in the room and vivacity and charm, Jana is going to lead you through a cardio workout like you wouldn’t believe. She wants you to leave feeling like you can take on anything else the day throws at you. She relishes in the feeling of accomplishment , and can’t wait to make you PROUD of yourself!
Rumble’s Badass Ballerina is the sweet blend of cute and hardcore, gentle and heavy hitting, Princess and punch out.
more about jana:
Growing up in the incredibly disciplined world of ballet, Jana has now stepped out of the rule box and into her powerful princess era. Described as an “energizer bunny”, Jana brings the high energy of a disco dance class to the heavy bag room. Don’t be fooled though… she’s still a bad bitch. Outside of Rumble, Jana is an actor as well as teaches dance and musical theatre, so she’s not afraid to put you in your place.