Connor Mahannah

Master Trainer, Motivator
Instagram: @coachconnoryvr 

“Coach Connor”

Lifelong athlete

Musical Style: Rap, Hip Hop and House

Connor is an all-around athlete who brings his years of athletic experience to Rumble. With a background in rowing, volleyball and boxing, he also has a UBC bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences with a specialty in functional movement, strength and conditioning. Coach Connor is all about inspiring and motivating you in every beat of every class or every moment of a training session. To him, boxing is so many things: It’s art, it’s therapy, it’s empowering, it’s badass and above all, an amazing workout! Plus, punching bad drivers in public is frowned upon.

Connor is all about seeing through what we say we will do. He fights every day for discipline, for integrity and for the pursuit of self-improvement. As a Master Trainer, Connor is adept at supporting clients of all backgrounds and fitness levels, and his training in Kinesiology makes him adept at helping client get back in the swing from injuries or setbacks 

What to expect in 50 minutes with him At Our Vancouver Boxing Studio: 

A dose of humour, heavy badass punches and a serious sweat in every class. Beat up that bag to heavy rap, hip-hop and house beats!

Book A Sweat With Connor